Monday, April 28, 2008

Well the new "Chief" has taken his place at the head of the young dems. of Utah. Hail to the chief! A nice, but still a bit on the fabricated side, article ran in the Sunday Des. news last week.,5223,695272209,00.html

Our first bike ride of the season and Maggie's first ever was a huge success. 2 hours on the Jordan river park way. and I'm ready for more so we have a tentative schedule to ride every Sunday at 4 PM.

after hours of bickering in our house "the council"* deiced to intervene and try to lay down the law of the official Ellerbeck rules of Jinx. The game of Jinx is a tough one, think about it their are so many variations on the rules. Just look on wikipedia, the combinations are endless. We are unsuccessfully as of today and are looking for input to finally put this matter to rest this is what we have so far....

The rules of Jinx (so far)

1. All jinxs are private. meaning only between the jinxed and jinxer.

or 3 way jinx between the 2 jinxed and the jinxer (when and out side party of the same word spoken couple chooses to jump in and add the jinx thus collecting 2 beverages)

2. the jinxed can not speak until the beverage of choice has been deliver to the jinxer.

Or the jinxed can choose option to not supply the beverage and go 24 hours without speaking to then win the jinx.

Or the Jinxer has released the Jinxed by speaking their name.

3. and we did decided on a 3rd and final rule but can not remember it? But that is what we have so far. we did in fact make great progress on the "rules of the house" **


1. Dad is NOT Welcome (harsh I know but when am I not harsh)

2. Never open the front door without checking who is out their (avoid Home Invasions 0)

3. TJ can not drive my Subaru (he does not respect the subaru. He has received his first speeding ticket... in yes the subaru)

4. Mica (well everyone) MUST shower at least 4 times a week!

5. Everyone must work or go to school. This means you MICA! going to school every possible day and passing ALL your classes!

6. Official Jinx rules applies to everyone in "the councils" presence

7. everyone must do their choirs every week

8. NO Farting in anyone presents (this is an inside & very funny joke)

9. Respect Mother earth & all its creatures.

10. Looses the studs, Keep the duds. (this is because Mica and his friends ruined all of the furniture in our house and our cars with the Punk studded belts, jackets and most likely underwear) Also we needed something as cute as the stenciling on Nicole's front door
Be a sweetie wipe your feeties!

*"The council" is made up of all of us who have Clark planetarium memberships with the last name Ellerbeck on their card. Connie, Alisha, Justin, TJ, Jessica, Mica, Nicole, Bryon & Shazell.

**"the Rules of the house" based on the Scott Daniels rules of the house. we felt as though we didn't need to have don't vacuum up water on our list. we are defiantly not in danger of ANYONE using the vacuum around here.

A final challenge to YOU Justin what happened to your New Years resolution of the Photo a day? its almost May and we haven't seen you since January...

1 comment:

Brigham said...

I like your rules. The rules of Jinx particularly are difficult. I am glad that you are trying to nail them down. I would also like to see more pictures of Justin. His goal turned out like most of mine.