Sunday, August 24, 2008

Twin Falls?

On the way home from Seattle we made a pit stop in Twin falls Idaho to buy lottery tickets of course and see the sights.
Perrine Bridge over the Snake river. I found it especially pretty.
Snake River Valley
This bunch was also impressed

this guy is just happy we finally let him out of the car

I am only partially excited knowing we still have 6 or so more hours to go. Will we ever get home???

this Jesus look a like is thinking what can i jump this gorge with? is their a motorcycle near by?

Free Base Jumper. It was so awesome!
Hobo a sleep in the park? no that my brother Mica

After quick nap and talking Justin out of jumping the Snake River with the family car. the boys are ready to go.

Shoshone Falls

The actually Twin falls. but wait their is only on fall? whats that? they block off the other one to place a power plant. well certainly they will now change the name of their city to Uno Falls or something?

Justin in shock over the lack of actual Twin falls.

1 comment:

Brigham said...

It looks like a fun trip, but the drive sounds long.

We are glad you made it home safely.